Lamington and District Angling Improvement Association

Recommended Flies for Association Waters

Below are some suggestions as to which flies should be used in which month. If you have any questions about trying or buying these flies please contact us, using FLIES as the subject.

March and April

Dark Spring Olive
Image Unavailable Tail: Dark Dun
Body: Brown Olive superfine dubbing
Wing: Cul de Canard
Hackle: Dark Dun cut at the bottom
Black and Red
Image Unavailable Tag: Gold Tinsel
Body: Yellow Silk, dubbed Hares lug
Hackle: Cochybonddu with black at bottom


Badger Dun
Image Unavailable Tag: Gold tinsel
Body: Yellow silk
Wing: Grey Duck
Hackle: Creamy Badger
Grey and Red
Image Unavailable Body: Yellow silk
Rear Hackle: Medium Ginger
Front Hackle: Grizzle


Pale Watery
Image Unavailable Tail: Medium Dun
Body: Yellow silk tag then Creamy Olive superfine dubbing
Wing: Light Cul de Canard
Hackle: Light Blue Dun clipped at bottom
Image Unavailable Body: Yellow silk, dubbed Hares lug
Body Hackle: Medium Ginger palmered
Wing: Rhode Island Red hen quills
Hackle: Medium Ginger slightly longer than body hackle


Blue Winged Olive
Image Unavailable Tail: Dark Tan
Body: Pale Evening Dun with Medium Olive superfine dubbing
Wing: Dark Dun Cul de Canard
Hackle: Medium Olive
Sherry Spinner
Image Unavailable Tail: Medium Blu Dun
Body: Orange⁄Amber mix superfine dubbing
Wing: Dark Dun Cul de Canard
Hackle: Small Grizzle (smoky)


F Fly
Image Unavailable Body: Blue Winged Olive superfine dubbing
Wing: Dark Cul de Canard
Blae and Ginger
Image Unavailable Body: Hot Orange silk
Rear Hackle: Medium Ginger
Front Hackle: Medium Blue Dun


Black Spider
Image Unavailable Body: Black Silk
Hackle: Black
Sparkle Dun
Image Unavailable Tail: Sparkle Yarn
Body: Medium Olive superfine dubbing
Wing: Dark Coastal Deer hair, splayed