Lamington and District Angling Improvement Association

Contact Lamington & District Angling Improvement Association

You can contact us either by email or phone.

Our email address is or click here
Or you can call our Secretary, Jim Lees on 07733 325359. Please bear in mind all our office bearers are volunteers and as such might not be able to take or return calls during working hours, in this case please leave a message or text your enquiry and we will get back to you as soon as possible.

If any of you have something you would like to share with the rest of our Association members, please email it to us and we will add it to the news page of the website.
Stories can be anything from fish you have caught, sightings of birds, youngsters just starting out angling - anything at all that you think will be of interest to the rest of us!
If you have pictures, all the better. We will happily include your snaps along with your story.
This is your club and we would like to make it more interactive for everyone. Please all remember this is a family site so do not include anything abusive or untoward or it will not be posted.

Thank you for your input

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