Lamington and District Angling Improvement Association

Welcome to Lamington Fishing

Lamington was formed as a Club in the late 1800’s and we have positive records from 1931, these records starting with the minutes of the AGM held on 9th January 1930. The meeting was composed of a President and his Vice, 9 Honorary Vice presidents, 4 Patrons, 10 Committee with 12 Co-Opted Committee and a collection of members! A very formal affair and not short of the local notables.

Today we are a much smaller Club in terms of administration but we are still fishing the same stretch of river in the same ideal conditions.

We lease a stretch of the river Clyde from Boat Bridge, Thankerton, to the Bower Pool at Roberton. Nine miles all in, this is made up of eighteen leases and we rely on the continuing goodwill of our landlords for the superb unspoilt surroundings and fishing. We lease almost all the fishing, both banks; unleased stretches are few and far between and are clearly marked. There is plenty of easy access and stiles, parking areas are all clearly marked.
In the main it is restricted to Fly fishing only during the Trout season, there is however one area, a large extended pool at Langholm where gravel was extracted from the river (Quarry Pool, marked on the map on the LaDAIA waters page) and spin fishing is permitted in this area after the 1st of may each year, see the rules page for further details.

We hope you enjoy your visit to our website


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